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Violet Ice

I am participating in the Write Tribe Festival of Words, September 1 – 7, 2013.  This is the seventh day of a seven day writing challenge about the number seven.  My first novel, The Last Prospector, begins a series of books set in a world of my creation called Solstice.  There are seven country-like tiers in Solstice and each one corresponds to one of the seven colors in the visible spectrum.  Today we’ll look at the northernmost tier, violet, which is a color that has special meaning for me.  My late mother was obsessed with growing African violets, I was practically raised in a hot house because of them.  I still dislike them intensely to this day Image may be NSFW.
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Of all the tiers in Solstice, Vyoletta is the one most altered by the Wars between the Twins.  First it was frozen by the cold heart of the dark goddess Ynoirya and then it was flooded by the salt tears of the light goddess Ylumya.  What remained after the wars was only a small bit of dry land, a churning sea and ice, lots and lots of ice.

The glaciers of the violet tier aren’t seen by many in Solstice except for a few brave traders willing to risk their lives in the rough seas.  But those glaciers are spectacular, massive and always active, always moving.  Tinged light purple like the the sky of Vyoletta, the ice lines both sides of the Sea of Tears in the north, thousands of feet high.  The air is filled with the sounds of the ice growing, buckling and breaking apart to drop enormous icebergs into the water.

Some people are drawn to the icebergs, they see them as magickal floating cities of breathtakingly beautiful architecture.  But the sailors see only doom and must stay constantly alert so they can return home safely to their families.  Perhaps those that are drawn to the icebergs can sense the mystical forces at work in the ice.  Perhaps they can see those towering structures, that evidence of enormous power, and still not feel small by comparison.

Everything in Solstice was created by the goddesses, all things are equal in smallness when compared to the majesty of creation.  But what is the purpose of Solstice?  That is the ultimate question, the people of Solstice were made for a reason.  Now, as the Final war between the Twins starts, all the questions will be answered.


Day 1 – Roja/Red

Day 2 – Naranza/Orange

Day 3 – Jonquyllum/Yellow

Day 4 – Viridys/Green

Day 5 – Cyannis/Blue

Day 6 – Yndigon/Indigo

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